Bright Future Apple
"Bright Future," a meticulously bred apple variety developed by English breeder Hugh Ermen in 2008, is a notable late-season cultivar celebrated for its excellent flavour, characterized by a well-balanced blend of sweetness and acidity. The fruit itself is an attractive red-orange, adorned with subtle stripes and a crisp texture. Beyond its taste and appearance, Bright Future stands out for its disease resistance, making it a hardy choice for orchards. This variety, introduced to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Garden Organic, the UK's largest organic gardening organization, thrives in sunny, sheltered conditions and has a late-season harvesting window, extending well into the New Year. The beautiful pure white flowers that adorn the tree in spring add to its allure. With an impressive lineage of Lady Williams x Discovery, Bright Future finds compatibility with a range of pollination partners, including Apple Bountiful, Apple Braeburn, and Apple Egremont Russet. This well-rounded apple variety not only caters to taste preferences but also holds historical significance and is well-suited for organic gardening practices, making it a valuable addition for those seeking a diverse and resilient apple option for winter enjoyment."
Bright Future Apple
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