Native Plants for Ponds x 2 - Including a pot and compost - Live Water Plant Aquatic Pond Lake Marginal
What you will receive: 3ltr pot and compost with your selection
Ajuga pyramidalis 'Metallica Crispa' - Max Growth Height: 20cm - Max Growth Spread: 45+cm - Depth to plant below water 0cm
Ajuga reptans burgundy glow - Max Growth Height: 20cm - Max Growth Spread: 45+cm - Depth to plant below water 0cm
Alisma plantago-aquatica - Max Growth Height: 75cm - Max Growth Spread: 45cm - Depth to plant below water 5-15cm
Allium schoenoprasum (Chives) - Max Growth Height: 30cm - Max Growth Spread: 50cm - Depth to plant below water 0cm
Anagellis Tenella - Max Growth Height: 25cm - Max Growth Spread: 45cm - Depth to plant below water 0cm
Baldellia ranunculoides - Max Growth Height: 30cm - Max Growth Spread: 50cm - Depth to plant below water 6-12cm
Butomus umbellatus - Max Growth Height: 100cm - Max Growth Spread: 45cm - Depth to plant below water 8-15cm
Butomus umbellatus 'Schneeweißchen' - Max Growth Height: 100cm - Max Growth Spread: 45cm - Depth to plant below water 8-15cm
Caltha palustris (King cup or Marsh marigold) - Max Growth Height: 15-30cm - Max Growth Spread: 40cm - Depth to plant below water 10-15cm
Cardamine pratensis - Max Growth Height: 45cm - Max Growth Spread: 30cm - Depth to plant below water 0-10cm
Carex acuta (Slender-tufted sedge) - Max Growth Height: 90cm - Max Growth Spread: 45cm - Depth to plant below water 0-15cm
Carex acutiformis - Max Growth Height: 150cm - Max Growth Spread: 5-20cm - Depth to plant below water 0-15cm
Carex muskingumensis (Musk sedge) - Max Growth Height: 75cm - Max Growth Spread: 45cm - Depth to plant below water 0-15cm
Carex pendula (Pendulous Sedge) - Max Growth Height: 100cm - Max Growth Spread: 150cm - Depth to plant below water 0-5cm
Carex pseudocyperus (Cyperus sedge) - Max Growth Height: 100cm - Max Growth Spread: 100cm - Depth to plant below water 0-10cm
Cyperus longus (Sweet galingale) - Max Growth Height: 120cm - Max Growth Spread: 100cm - Depth to plant below water 0-10cm
Dactylorhiza Majalis Praetermissa - Max Growth Height: 60cm - Max Growth Spread: 25cm - Depth to plant below water 0-3cm
Eleocharis Palustris - Max Growth Height: 45cm - Max Growth Spread: 45+cm - Depth to plant below water 0-10cm
Epipactris Palustris orchid - Max Growth Height: 60cm - Max Growth Spread: 10cm - Depth to plant below water 0-3cm
Eriophorum Angustifolium - Max Growth Height: 50cm - Max Growth Spread: 25+cm - Depth to plant below water 0-5cm
Eriophorum russeoleum - Max Growth Height: 50cm - Max Growth Spread: 25+cm - Depth to plant below water 0-5cm
Eriophorum scheuchzeri - bog and rivers - Max Growth Height: 70cm - Max Growth Spread: 45+cm - Depth to plant below water 0-5cm
Eupatorium cannabinum (Hemp agrimony or Dutch agrimony) - Max Growth Height: 150cm - Max Growth Spread: 120cm - Depth to plant below water 0cm
Filipendula rubra 'Venusta Magnifica' - Max Growth Height: 150cm - Max Growth Spread: 60-90cm - Depth to plant below water 0cm
Filipendula Ulmaria - Max Growth Height: 150cm - Max Growth Spread: 60cm - Depth to plant below water 0cm
Fritillaria meleagris (Snakes head fritillary) - Max Growth Height: 30cm - Max Growth Spread: 10cm - Depth to plant below water 0cm
Geum rivale - Max Growth Height: 40cm - Max Growth Spread: 25cm - Depth to plant below water 0-8cm
Geum rivale (ALBUM) - Max Growth Height: 40cm - Max Growth Spread: 25cm - Depth to plant below water 0-5cm
Hypericum Elodes - Max Growth Height: 30cm - Max Growth Spread: 25cm - Depth to plant below water 0-5cm
Iris Laevigata common - Max Growth Height: 60cm - Max Growth Spread: Indefinite - Depth to plant below water 0-15cm
Iris pseudacorus - Max Growth Height: 180cm - Max Growth Spread: Indefinite - Depth to plant below water 15-30cm
Iris pseudacorus Floro Plena" - Max Growth Height: 180cm - Max Growth Spread: Indefinite - Depth to plant below water 15-30cm
Iris pseudacorus 'Berlin Tiger' - Max Growth Height: 180cm - Max Growth Spread: Indefinite - Depth to plant below water 15-30cm
Iris pseudacorus Varigated - Max Growth Height: 180cm - Max Growth Spread: Indefinite - Depth to plant below water 15-30cm
Juncus effusus - Max Growth Height: 100cm - Max Growth Spread: 45+cm - Depth to plant below water 8-13cm
Lychnis flos-cuculi (Ragged robin) ALBA - Max Growth Height: 100cm - Max Growth Spread: 45cm - Depth to plant below water 0-10cm
Lycopus europaeus (Gypsy wort) - Max Growth Height: 100cm - Max Growth Spread: 45+cm - Depth to plant below water 0-10cm
Lythrum salicaria - Max Growth Height: 80cm - Max Growth Spread: 45cm - Depth to plant below water 0-3cm
Mentha aquatica (Water mint) - Max Growth Height: 100cm - Max Growth Spread: 100cm - Depth to plant below water 0-15cm
Myosotis scorpioides - forget me not - Max Growth Height: 30cm - Max Growth Spread: 30cm - Depth to plant below water 0-8cm
Nasturtium officinale - Max Growth Height: 15-20cm - Max Growth Spread: 100+cm - Depth to plant below water 0-10cm
Petasites albus - Max Growth Height: 50-80cm - Max Growth Spread: 100+cm - Depth to plant below water 0-15cm
Phalaris Arundinacea picta - Max Growth Height: 150cm - Max Growth Spread: 45+cm - Depth to plant below water 0-5cm
Pilularia globulifera - Pepper Grass - Oxygenator - Max Growth Height: 10-15cm - Max Growth Spread: 45+cm - Depth to plant below water 0-30cm
Polygonum Amphobium (Persicaria Amphibia) - Max Growth Height: 30-60cm - Max Growth Spread: Indefinite - Depth to plant below water 30-100cm
Potentilla palustris (Marsh cinquefoil) - Max Growth Height: 40cm - Max Growth Spread: 35cm - Depth to plant below water 0-10cm
Primula elatior oxlip - Max Growth Height: 30cm - Max Growth Spread: 25cm - Depth to plant below water 0cm
Ranunculus Hederaceus - Max Growth Height: 40cm - Max Growth Spread: 45+cm - Depth to plant below water 0-10cm
Ranunculus flammula - Max Growth Height: 60cm - Max Growth Spread: 100cm - Depth to plant below water 0-10cm
Sagittaria latifolia (Duck potato) - Max Growth Height: 90cm - Max Growth Spread: 100cm - Depth to plant below water 0-30cm
Scrophularia auriculata (Water figwort) - Max Growth Height: 100cm - Max Growth Spread: 60cm - Depth to plant below water 0-8cm
Sparganium erectum (Branched bur-reed) - Max Growth Height: 150cm - Max Growth Spread: 45+cm - Depth to plant below water 0-45cm
Stachys palustris (Marsh woundwort) - Max Growth Height: 75cm - Max Growth Spread: 45cm - Depth to plant below water 0-5cm
Typha Latifolia - Max Growth Height: 240cm - Max Growth Spread: 45+cm - Depth to plant below water 8-45+cm
Veronica Beccabunga - Max Growth Height: 20cm - Max Growth Spread: 15cm - Depth to plant below water 0-10cm
Native Plants for Ponds x 2 - Including a pot and compost - Live Water Plant Aquatic Pond Lake Marginal
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